Associate Member of the Netherlands
Society of Cinematographers (NSC)

Director: Sander Rietveld
Production: Zembla

READ MOREExperiments on patients. Vincent (47) suffers from severe psychoses. He hears voices in his head and is prone to hallucinations. Consequently, he was admitted to the residential psychiatric clinic operated by the Dutch Association of Mental Health and Addiction Care (GGZ Nederland) in Heiloo for treatment over 20 years ago. In August 2013 the clinic decided to use patients including Vincent in a medical science experiment involving a new combination of drugs. In order to meet the ethical guidelines for drug research, test subjects such as Vincent must be able to understand both the nature of the experiment and potential consequences. Furthermore, they must personally consent to participation. Vincent did so in the case in question. A year later, however, a female member of the clinic staff member contacts Vincent’s parents. She tells them that she thinks the clinic made major mistakes during the experiment. Also, in her opinion Vincent is not mentally competent. Completely unaware of the experiment, his parents immediately raise the alarm at the clinic in Heiloo. It turns out they are not the only family members who are deeply concerned about the medical science experiment. Zembla follows up on the anxious families’ report and in the process stumbles across a whistleblower under a gag order.